The collection

Oskar Reinhart's ʻRömerholz̕  collection comprises two main groups, which originally corresponded more or less exactly to the two architectural components of his residence. On the one hand, there were a few Old Master paintings, displayed in the villa of 1915 and visually attuned to their surroundings. On the other, there were works of French Impressionism and its immediate forerunners, which formed the main focus of the collection and which Reinhart juxtaposed with examples of earlier art in the gallery building of 1925. The collection acquired this balance of elements in 1923, when Reinhart purchased some outstanding French nineteenth-century paintings. Pursuing his aim of acquiring only the best works available, he amassed a concise survey of European art that belongs among the finest of its kind anywhere in the world. The Oskar Reinhart Collection ʻAm Römerholz̕  enables visitors to trace the history of European art from the fourteenth to the early twentieth century in the form of a magnificent celebration of the art of painting, abetted by a group of drawings and some sculptures and textiles.

Die Sammlung
Picture gallery of the villa 'Am Römerholz', around 1950