Entre nous

June 10 to September 30, 2012

The Oskar Reinhart Collection ‘Am Römerholz' with Selected Works from the Museum  Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten
With a documentary section on Oskar Reinhart as collector  

Following the special exhibition in 2011 of figurative paintings by Corot, in 2012 we are once again turning the spotlight on our own collection.

With the rehanging of our holdings, the collection has taken on a new look. New perspectives have opened up which, in combination with the rich documentation of Oskar Reinhart's activities as a collector, have added a whole new dimension to our presentation. The documentation in Entre nous takes into account both of the Reinhart museums in Winterthur, and the integration of certain works from the Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten into the Römerholz ensemble compellingly conveys a sense of the close relations between the two collections. However, this is in no sense simply a partial repetition of the exhibition in 2009-10 which saw the two collections united in the Museum Oskar Reinhart am Stadtgarten. For the present exhibition - in the ‘other Reinhart venue' - takes that same concept to the next level. In this wider context the relationship between the two collections is merely exemplified in certain instances. Thus visitors can, for the duration of the exhibition, witness encounters between works that otherwise can only be imagined, due to their separate locations; at the same time, it is still possible to appreciate to the full each of the collections, as distinct entities, in their own homes. This renewed coming together of certain works is all the more fascinating in view of the fact that originally the Römerholz was home to both collections.

A programme of accompanying events will further enhance the contents of the exhibition. Leading the way, there will be an international symposium on the history and dynamics of collecting in Europe and beyond.

A series of concerts organised in conjunction with the Musikkollegium Winterthur will illuminate an important aspect of cultural life in Winterthur involving Oskar Reinhart.


Further information
